Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Who needs enemies when you've got pinheads for co-workers?

As if crossing the US border on a normal day weren't enough of a pain, add a little stupidity and it gets downright outrageous. No telling what this guy thinks of his co-workers, but you can bet there are a lot of angry motorists that would like to try push the limits of the Geneva convention, à la Gonzalez.

That sound you hear is the ping of ball bearings rolling around in the co-workers' heads.


At 01:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I prefer to place a dozen or so ball bearings, or even marbles in the offending person’s gas tank. This method works best if they have a steel tank, but I’m sure plastic tanks make some noise as well. Every time your victim turns a corner, accelerates or brakes they enjoy a moment wondering, “What the hell is that racket?” This method is nonreversible, outside of paying for a new tank to be installed but generally does no damage to the fuel system and tank in question. This method works best if your victim then asks you to ride in their car hearing the noise for yourself. You will have more fun if you pretend not to hear anything at all, as your ball-bearing friends rattle from one end of the tank to the other. Please do not do this if they are of fragile mental stability to begin with. In that case just sprinkle the roof and hood of their car with birdseed or bread crumbs each night and leave them to wonder why the birds like leaving deposits on their car and theirs alone. For more information on this and other subjects please read the book “Fight Club” or “The C.I.A. Handbook of Dirty Tricks”
Mike Lenz


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