When Fake News is more Real than... Real News.

Who would have thought that fake news, as Jon Stewart himself calls his show, contains just as much truth as real news and substance as traditional network news? That says a lot about the traditional news.
Well, that’s at least the findings of a study by professor of telecommunications Julia Fox (
Not surprisingly, a second-by-second analysis of The Daily Show's audio and visual content found considerably more humor than substance -- Stewart himself has insisted that he is a comedian and not a journalist. A similar analysis of network coverage found considerably more hype than substance in broadcast newscasts. Examples of such hype included references to polls, political endorsements and photo opportunities."In an absolute sense, we should probably be concerned about both of those sources, because neither one is particularly substantive. It's a bottom-line industry and ratings-driven. We live in an 'infotainment' society, and there certainly are a number of other sources available."
So if the media only offer “infotainment”, and if the choice is between hype and humor, I'll choose humor anytime – at least I'll enjoy myself more. Besides, Jon Stewart has the merit of not pretending to do anything other than comedy.
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