Tornado in ..... France?
I have lived in France all my life and have never heard of a real tornado there, yet yesterday :
A freak tornado ripped through northern France overnight, killing three people and injuring nine as it gutted houses and hurled cars through the air, officials said Monday. (AFP)

it is the Netherlands that has the highest average number of recorded tornadoes per area of any country (more than 20, or 0.0013 per sq mi (0.00048 per km²), annually), followed by the UK (around 33, or 0.00035 per sq mi (0.00013 per km²), per year but most are small and cause minor damage.In absolute number of events, ignoring area, the UK experiences more tornadoes than any other European country, excluding waterspouts.The United States has the most tornadoes of any country, about four times more than estimated in all of Europe, not including waterspouts. (Wiki)

Some people can’t correctly behave and go over there to have a look and take pictures without offering some help…
214 tornados were registered in France between 1680 and 2008. Tornados particularly happen in summer time, mainly crossing from the south-west to the north, near the Belgium border.
The most risky places are La Rochelle, Tours, Montpellier, Lille, Le Mans and Paris districts.
You alos can read me in French on "Citoyens d'Europe" : and "On en parle" :
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