Monday, May 16, 2005

French Paradox

Business as usual in France yesterday – apparent social chaos with people on strike, or on holiday while others were working on their cancelled bank holiday. Nobody ever seems happy these days, always finding something to complain about and the debates on the Constitution have exacerbated concerns about jobs, salaries and a gloomy economy.

Yet at the same time - and quite paradoxixally - while the blues seems to have taken grip of its people, France is experiencing a real Baby Boom :

In 2003 - the last year for which figures are available - the EU's overall population growth of 216,000 was almost entirely created in France, where numbers went up by 211,00.

The other interesting element is that France has one of the highest rates of working women in the European Union. The paradox can be partly explained by better subsidies for childcare, as well as sizeable child benefits, and good paid parental leave, and more childcare facilities which means that you don’t need to ask women to stay at home to encourage them to have children. You just need to give them some logistical and financial help.
One of the conclusions to draw is that appearances can be deceiving in France and while things often seem to be really bad, they never reall are. So don't (always) believe a French whiner!


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