Monday, August 29, 2005

Bush's Tan.

Seeing President Bush on TV yesterady, I was literaly dazzled by his glowing tan. Actually, it was more sun burn than tan.
It is a well-known fact that he has set the record for vacationing, breaking Reagan's own record - and that on top of his two-hour midday exercise sessions and his disinclination to work nights or weekends-:
According to an Associated Press count, Reagan spent all or part of 335 days at his Santa Barbara ranch over his eight-year presidency -- a total that Bush will surpass this month in Crawford with 3 1/2 years left in his second term.
but in a naive sort of way I thought he must do a lot of work from his Texas ranch. Well, apparently he has done most of his work... outside in the sun. What kind of work can you do outside? In any case, as for now he looks even more tanned than Berlusconi himself and that in itself must be a record.
This may seem quite trivial but it becomes a bit more telling in the present post-9/11 context of a country supposedly at war with mothers of dead soldiers picketing outside the ranch. All that while Americans get 12 days of vacation on average!
So is there anything wrong in this picture or is it just me?


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