Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Passion of the Penguins.

The best way for a foreign movie to become a big hit in the U.S. is for it to be either a silent movie or be shot in English.Well, the latest European movie hit in the U.S. happens to be French. It is actually a documentary called "March of the Penguins" ["La marche de l'Empereur" in French] with a cast of thousands. It has literally rocked the US box office, taking more than $66.8 million since it was launched in June. No language or cultural barrier fot there! Besides, it deals with (simple) universal themes of love, family, etc that everybody can relate too.
Now the really interesting twist I found in The Guardian as:
Conservatives in America claim to have seen God in the emperor penguin. They have rejoiced in the way the film shows penguins as monogamous upholders of traditional family values.
It has even been called "The Passion of the Penguins" as the reaction of the religious right is similar to that which they had after "The Passion of Christ" came out. Hard to believe, I know but :
As happened with Mel Gibson's Christian blockbuster, churches have block-booked cinemas and organised visits for their members. The 153 House Churches Network in Sidney, Ohio, runs a March of the Penguins Leadership Workshop after screenings of the film.
Laura Kim, a vice-president of Warner Independent, said something very sensical which I think sums up what I would tell those people :
'You know what? They're just birds.'.


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