Carter to the American Jews on the bias for Israel.

But there's something else he says in his letter, which, I believe, very few Americans would have the guts to say:
I made it clear that I have never claimed that American Jews control the news media, but reiterated that the overwhelming bias for Israel comes from among Christians like me who have been taught since childhood to honor and protect God's chosen people from among whom came our own savior, Jesus Christ. An additional factor, especially in the political arena, is the powerful influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is exercising its legitimate goal of explaining the current policies of Israel's government and arousing maximum support in our country. There are no significant countervailing voices.I think Carter has captured quite well the reason for pro-Isreal bias of many Americans. (for more on this subject, see our posts here, here, and here, here, here, and here)
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