Monday, May 30, 2005

Bush's graduation address

In the US, a sitting president will often give the commencement address to some lucky class of college graduates. This year (last week) GW Bush addressed the graduating class at Calvin College, a small Christian liberal arts college in rural Michigan. I doubt very much that President Bush would dare address any one of the secular institutions for fear of a student and/or faculty protest. Judging from the reaction at Calvin, his fears appear to be justified. Even at this small Christian college, many of the faculty and students respectfully protested through buttons and a signed letter in the local Grand Rapids newspaper. Nothing too unruly or disruptive, just some good clean "I respectfully disagree"ing!

For an event on a Christian campus, why go to the Washington Post or NY Times for coverage when you can get Christian coverage (no, not the Christian Science Monitor) - take a look at the differing takes in Christianity Today and Sojourners Magazine.


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