Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Cronyism, kid cousin to nepotism!

When even your conservative base calls out your cronyism, it may be time to actually look for qualified people to fill the leadership posts.


At 10:11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad, pathetic. But why does the conservative base have to rake up this nepotism? Because liberals are too focused on the same old ideological fracture lines, "borking" supreme court appointees instead of denouncing corrupt practices in government? The Democratic party machine is up to its elbows in the same slime of favoritism, back-scratching and pork as its Republican counterpart. Well, maybe the Republican machine IS better greased -- Bush did win the last two elections, and he's a man who plays hardball in way few can match. For more evidence of misdealings in his administration, here's an article about mismanagement of Katrina relief funds, and the punishment of those in the government who blow whistles on the fraud:


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