Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Evolution v. Intelligent Design - a(n) (almost) Strictly American Issue.

As we have extensively discussed on this blog (here, here or here) before, the "theory of evolution" is being challenge by Christian conservatives in the U.S. (and only there). Well, in fact this is a recurrent phenomenon if you remember the Mokney Trial of the 20s in Kansas.

The latest development has taken place in a high school in Dover, Pennsylvania refusal where science teachers have resisted being forced to teach creationism on equal footing with evolution in biology class by the local school board. As a defence, they, along with concerned parents have decided to go on trial and sue the school board.

There are some interesting elements to notice:
  • This is not taking place in Kansas, i.e. the Deep South but in Pennylvania. ( in Dover, a rural town of 1,815 people but the school district serves about 3,500 students).
  • This trial is the biggest test on the issue since the late 1980s (since 1987 when the U.S. Supreme Court banned the teaching of creationism in class). Despite a different name, 'Intelligent Design' essentially takes on a pro-Evolution stand.
  • The case is expected to go on the Supreme Court, and that's going to be interesting - especially in the current atmosphere of 'cultural war' between the religious conservatives and the more progressive forces. (maybe this time President Bush is going to be more cautious).
  • This is not going to help the image of the U.S. abroad as it is seen in the rest of the (Western) world as a strictly American phenomenon... Well, now outside the Western world of course, that's (partly) a different story. Needless to say that the Mollahs in Iran are not great fans of Evolution either.
  • the Europeans are going to be watching this with great... perplexity.


At 21:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI - Kansas is not the Deep South.

At 23:00, Blogger Joker & Thief said...

You're right... My mistake! Kansas is just "the South".
"South" seems to go so well with 'Deep' though, doesn't it? ;-)
[If I'm not mistaken the Deep South is considered to include Georgia, Lousiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee... Right?

At 00:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Deep South is traditionally Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina, with bordering states like Tennessee and Florida considered peripheral to but not really part of this region. Kansas, on the other hand, is not considered part of the South. Rather, it is usually considered to be part of the Midwest (perhaps only a peripheral association for some, but not me) or more definitely one of the Great Plains states.

For more see -

At 00:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and the Scopes Trial was in Tennessee. However, there was some recent creationist activity in Kansas.


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