France's Teachers on Strike.

So what is it this time? Well, to make a gross simplification – the government wants teachers to work more and get paid less. As you can imagine that does not go too well. In fact, this hass been the largest strike of teachers in
But there are deeper concerns – in the last few years, teachers have seen their working conditions deteriorate and their buying power decrease and on top of everything else, they have often been smeared by politicians both on the left and the right in the last few years.
Paying teachers well may be more important than you think if you want quality teachers.
NPR had a recent segment on this:
A new study by education researchers concludes that the best way to improve the quality of teaching is to pay teachers more. And to pay good teachers even more.
So what about the teacher’s performance in the classroom? Yes, that seems the best way. But the problem is that you need people to do that…. so do you ask other teachers? How does it work out? The problem is that no matter what, the results are likely to be too subjective and unreliable.
I am all for changing things and for assessing teachers’ performances. I just haven't been able to figure out how and nobody seems to have either.
I agree, it's always difficult to assess someone when the issue is not based on productivity.
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