Sunday, November 06, 2005

Parliamentary Investigation of Blair's Government

Reporter Michael Smith, who published the Downing Street Memo and other leaked documents, has an important story in the Sunday Times :
TONY BLAIR is set to face an unprecedented parliamentary inquiry into his conduct in the run-up to the Iraq war.
A coalition of Tory and Labour MPs is to table a motion to set up a Commons committee to examine "the conduct of ministers" both before and after the war. They believe they need the support of about 30 Labour rebels to succeed.
This comes after, in the U.S., the Democrats forced Senate Republicans to agree to complete the second phase of a probe into U.S. intelligence on Iraq. Phase 2 of the investigation by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence seeks to determine whether the Bush administration twisted intelligence to justify the March 2003 invasion.
We'll see if those things go anywhere... but it's an encouraging beginning.


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